What's with the Attitude?
Apr 15, 2019You have probably heard the saying, “It’s your attitude, not your aptitude, that determines your altitude.” What is your attitude about leadership? Do you think you’re either a born leader or you’re not? I’ve got news for you, you’re half right. ALL leaders are born, but very few people are natural born leaders. I firmly believe that leadership is a set of skills, abilities, and traits that can be studied, learned, coached, and improved…but only if you have the right attitude.
Think about basketball. Yes, there are some people who are natural athletes. Michael Jordan was born with a great deal of natural ability, but do you think he could dribble, shoot, and dunk the very first time he picked up a ball? Do you think he progressed from being an average player to a phenomenal one? Of course he did, through deliberate practice and a positive attitude. He was not an instant success; he worked hard. He practiced, he learned, and he was coached to his highest potential. If we rate basketball players on a scale of 1-10, with one being the worst and 10 being the best Michael Jordan would be a 10 player, but he didn't start that way. Let's say he was born as an above average player, let’s say a 7. Dedication, practice, the right attitude, and great coaching made him a 10.
Now here is where I let you in on a little secret. Since you are reading this, you already have an attitude of learning. Learning about leadership is a process, one that can take you from being an average leader to one that is extraordinary. The first step is to understand that leadership is a set of knowledge, skills, and abilities. You, right now, are on a certain level with each. Having an attitude of learning and growth will enable you to improve, at least a little, but in many places a whole lot, in all areas of leadership. Your attitude is the foundation that will allow you to increase your aptitude for leadership.
The mindset to have is, no matter where you are on the leadership scale you can improve. Am I saying we can all be 10’s as leaders, no. Just like, no matter how much I would practice basketball, I have the self-awareness to know I could never be a 10 (or even close), but I could improve. As a leader, I might currently be average, let's say a 5. If I have the right attitude, If I study leadership, read about leadership, learn from other leaders, and get a leadership coach or mentor, then I’ve got a pretty good chance of becoming an above average leader, maybe a 7 or even an 8. Let that sink in for a minute. Who would you rather work for, an average (5) leader or an above average (8) leader? Don’t you think the people who work for you feel the same way?
Your attitude is a force multiplier, a difference maker. Think about your next promotion. Think about it from the perspective of your boss, the one who is making the decision. Your boss has narrowed her choice down to two people. You both have impressive resumes, proven track records, and have been with the company for roughly the same amount of time. Your skills, in other words, are comparable. You are uplifting, encouraging, and are constantly seeking to improve yourself. You always have a positive, “let’s get it done” attitude. Your competition, on the other hand, shows up for work, does a good job, but complains quite a bit and usually points out 3-4 reasons why a project will take so long or can’t be done. Who do you think will get the promotion?
You choose your thoughts. Your thoughts cause your feelings. Your feelings are expressed in your actions and show everyone what your attitude is. Your actions cause your results. That’s why your attitude, along with your aptitude, determines your altitude. When it comes to leadership and success in life your attitude isn’t everything, but I’d put it right up there with oxygen.
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